The Intrigues of Irawaddy
- Irawaddy is geographically defined by three small mountains. They are called the Three Brothers and the story of their name is an integral part of this city's rich history. They are known, from north to south as Mont Dabir, Mont Kaseem and Mont Rafiq.
- The main part of the city flairs out from between Mont Kaseem and Mont Rafiq. The Nagoni Fruit Market (or simply, the Fruit Market) is wedged into the valley between these mountains. The road to Oka Nagon comes through these mountains from the west and south.
- There is no centralized civil law in Irawaddy. The authority of the Royal Family, left over from the days of Helian power, no longer exists even in name. However, various merchant cartels as well as local neighborhood organizations and militia keep differing levels of peace in the areas they control. The most powerful institutions in Irawaddy, both in commerce and might, are the Salt Traders, the Slavers, the Seaman's Association (who control most of the docks) and to some extent the Nagoni Elves who run the Fruit Market.
- The wealthy live on the peaks of the Three Brothers. Mont Rafiq is the original home of the powerful and wealthy. The old Royals and their ancillaries still live here as well as the old shipping family's and the leaders of the Seaman's Association. Mont Kaseem is very wealthy, but built with younger money. The Salt Traders and the Slavers have developed this area into a guarded and gaudy neighborhood.
- Rafiq's Seat is the older downtown, that has become a little seedy. It is still a very busy place. Restaurants and food shops line the Boulevard Frontenac and the street that runs from it to the docks, Boulevard Grand, still contains one of the largest open air arms & armor markets on the whole of Helios. It's propinquity to the Throat, the neighborhood that blocks the slave markets to the south from the rest of Irawaddy, keeps it's edges rough and often dangerous.