

He's deeply in tune with nature and finds the city to be a crashing headache. But his new experiences there have also revealed that he has an excellent strategic mind and is beginning to understand the ways of humans. He is a patient listener and a friend to animals.

He's a scheming hippy elf druid and now he's only got one arm!

This is the only building in the forest outside of the simple village ones. Aside from us exiles, few living people have ever seen it. We're not sure who built it or when. One of the rangers in the area argues that it was built by humans, but we Elves have been around a long, long time and this has been Elven land for that long. Maybe Dwarves, since it's built so well. But why would they build such a thing in the middle of the forest? We don't actually use it, but do like having it around simply because it's peculiar. So we maintain it but use it not.