Where you think you at
1" = approx. 50 miles
This map is a rough approximation of the information that you have gleaned in your journeys so far. The rough distance and outline of the west coast is from your trip on the Lido and Angry Pipe's conversations with Zandeen, the Coxswain.
From Zandeen, he also gleaned the existence of the port city of Irawaddy ("A wild place, not a comfortable place for us Northerners.") as marking a center of transport along the Eastern coast of Helios. Zandeen mentioned Abofa, but he proffered no other information about it, other than it was south from Irawaddy along the coast.
Hesma told you that Stiig Ul Mar is an administrative town, basically the center for El Wahafi's salt distribution. Port Irawaddy is a major entrepot for fruit, salt and slaves as well as the black market of magic from the south.